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Informacije o turniru

Opis takmičenja
Rules of competitions:
Valid ETU and TAS rules. System of eliminations: Video replay for all 5-6 rings with electronic system of point scoring (for cadets, juniors and seniors KPNP electronic scoring system will be applied; for seniors “video reply” will be available; pioneers will be scored with DAE DO electronic equipment)
Raspored takmičenja
Friday, 26 th April 2024.
17:00-19:00 weigh-in, Kragujevac Trg Mala Vaga (Taekwondo Academy)
22:00 draw
Saturday 27 th April 2024.
07:30 - 08:30 registration and weigh-in at venue
09:00 -17:30 elimination matches
18:00 -20:00 fnal matches
KYORUGI A or B class 35 €,
POOMSAE Single discipline 35 €,
two disciplines 45 €,
Payment at registration before weigh-in.
1st place - Gold medal and diploma
2nd place – silver medal and diploma
3rd place – bronze medal and diploma
Team trophies B class kyorugi : children, cadets, juniors and seniors – 1st,2nd and 3rd places
Team trophies A class kyourgi : children, cadets, juniors and seniors – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places
Team trophies overall in A and B class kyorugi: 1st,2nd,3rd places.
Team trophies overall in A cand B class poomsae: children, cadets, juniors and
seniors – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places
Special award for the best competitor in A and B class: children, cadets, juniors and seniors (male/female)
Za sve dodatne informacije u vezi prijava takmičara pozovite:
Vedran Ćubela, +387 63 407 544.